Friday, January 31, 2014

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Pep Rally and Grandparent's Day

The fourth graders enjoyed spending time with their grandparents today.  After a guided tour of CLS (provided by their grandchildren), we filled the gym and showed our CLS pride with a Pep Rally.  As always, Flash was a huge hit!  Congratulations to Jennifer for winning the Spirit Poster contest!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Did you get dressed in the dark?

Mrs. Steely and Mrs. Osborn wear clashing outfits as part of Clash Day for National Lutheran Schools week!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Hey! Hey! It's PJ day!!!!!!

Fourth grade celebrates NLSW with pajama day.  (And, yes, some of them told me that is what they slept in last night!:)

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Blue and Gold Day!

Fourth grade was decked out in CLS Blue and Gold to celebrate the first day of National Lutheran Schools Week.  WE LOVE CLS!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

National Lutheran Schools Week

National Lutheran Schools Week
January 26 31, 2014

- Every student is invited to help carry in our CLS banners at both (or either) service –
  8:00 Classic Worship & 10:30 Modern Worship
- Both choirs will sing and Chapel Band will join the 10:30 Praise Team

What to wear: Blue & Gold Day…wear as much blue and gold as you can! (Jeans count as blue!)
Special event: Students will creatively express what they love about CLS!

What to wear: Black-and-white day! Wear black and white or dress up like a cow!
Special events: Assembly at 8:15 am to celebrate CLS; Chick-fil-a SPIRIT NIGHT at Markham & University – eat Chick-fil-a and CLS will earn money! Join us 5-8 pm at Chick-fil-a.

What to wear: Pajama day…wear school appropriate pajamas and bring your pillow and blanket Special event: Reading in the gym together as a school family at 2:15 pm

What to wear: Clash day…put those weird colors and patterns together to clash!
Special event: Teacher swap! Teachers will mix things up by pairing with different classes!

What to wear: Dress up day….wear school uniform or nicer clothing
Special event: Grandparents Day!

Schedule for Grandparents Day
9:00 – 9:30 am            Coffee & goodies in Fellowship Hall
9:30-10:10 am             Chapel
10:15-10:30 am           Tour of school
10:30-10:50 am           Reading time together
11:00-11:30 am           Pep Rally in Gym

At 11:30, grandparents are welcome to check out their grandchild(ren) and eat lunch and spend the rest of the day together or bring the student(s) back to school after lunch. All students need to either bring their own lunch to school or plan to eat with grandparents.  The cafeteria will not be serving lunch on Grandparent’s Day.

**Every day of National Lutheran Schools Week is either a non-uniform day if you wish to participate in that day’s attire or wear school uniform if you don’t want to participate. We hope your family has fun and joins with us as we celebrate our amazing school!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Honor Roll

We are proud of our fourth grade honor roll!  Congrats!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Mark Your Calendars!

Join the fun at CLS Spirit Night at Chick-fil-a!
When: Tuesday, January 28 from 5-8 pm

Where: Markham & University

Growing students love of READING!

Fourth graders take advantage of DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) time.  Fostering a student's love of reading will help them succeed academically.  These kids LOVE to read!!!!